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Football Ontology Construction using Oriented Programming

Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends


According to the W3C, the semantic web is the future of the www. The data that is based on the semantic web can be understood by machines and devices. The main component of the semantic web is the ontology, which is known as the backbone of the semantic web. There are many tools used to edit and create an ontology, however, few kinds of research construct an ontology using oriented programming. SPARQL and API OWL are used to access and edit ontologies, though they are not using oriented programming. The main objective of this paper is to build an ontology using oriented programming and allowable to access OWL entities. Owlready module is effectively used in sport ontology for football in 11 European Leagues.


Owlready, Ontology, Semantic Web, Protégé, RDF and OWL, Oriented-Programming



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