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Internet of Things Impact on Web Technology and Enterprise Systems


It's been clearer over the last two decades that computer science plays a crucial role in the growth of every company. With each passing cycle, the IT industry blossoms a brand-new subfield. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the idea of connecting any device to the Internet in order to interact with the consumer and convert it into an intelligent device; this is a relatively new concept in the realm of information technology (IT) and the Internet, but it is gaining popularity and importance in people's daily lives. The Internet of Things is predicted to play a pivotal role in the development of business IT infrastructure. With the help of IoT, we can link billions of smart gadgets that can talk to one another in an automated fashion. One of the most rapidly expanding fields in computer history, with an expected 50 billion devices by the end of 2020. Security techniques, such as encryption, authentication, access control, network security, and application security, are rendered useless when applied to Internet of Things (IoT) devices because of these inherent weaknesses. The Internet of Things (IoT) has attracted the attention of many academics and industry leaders, who have published studies and made statements on the significance of IoT architectural layers for corporate systems (ESs). This literature study included a wide variety of studies that implemented and developed IoT technology in several human domains, including healthcare, smart homes and cities, assisted charities, and monitoring systems. The article also detailed the computers and programs that facilitated each study. Plus, the reliable algorithm used in the research articles' tests and analyses of data. Lastly, drawing parallels between these publications helps to provide insight on the difficulties and possibilities facing potential IoT impact researchers in the industrial sector.



IoT, E-IoT, Technologies of IoT, Service-Oriented Architecture for IoT, Evolution of ESs


Author Biography

Riyadh Qashi



Hayfaa Subhi Malallah




Marya Ayoub Omer






  1. H. Chegini, R. K. Naha, A. Mahanti, and P. Thulasiraman, “Process automation in an IoT–fog–cloud ecosystem: A survey and taxonomy,” IoT, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 92–118, 2021.
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  3. L. M. Abdulrahman et al., “A state of art for smart gateways issues and modification,” Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science, pp. 1–13, 2021.
  4. F. E. F. Samann, S. R. Zeebaree, and S. Askar, “IoT provisioning QoS based on cloud and fog computing,” Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends, vol. 2, no. 01, pp. 29–40, 2021.
  5. L. M. Haji, O. M. Ahmad, S. R. Zeebaree, H. I. Dino, R. R. Zebari, and H. M. Shukur, “Impact of cloud computing and internet of things on the future internet,” Technology Reports of Kansai University, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 2179–2190, 2020.
  6. K. Jacksi, S. R. Zeebaree, and N. Dimililer, “LOD Explorer: Presenting the Web of Data,” Intl. Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 45–51, 2018.
  7. A. AL-Zebari, S. R. Zeebaree, K. Jacksi, and A. Selamat, “ELMS–DPU Ontology Visualization with Protégé VOWL and Web VOWL,” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamic and Control Systems, vol. 11, pp. 478–85, 2019.
  8. A.-Z. S. R. Zeebaree, A. Z. Adel, K. Jacksi, and A. Selamat, “Designing an ontology of E-learning system for duhok polytechnic university using protégé OWL tool,” J. Adv. Res. Dyn. Control Syst., vol, vol. 11, pp. 24–37.
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  21. Z. N. Rashid, S. R. Zeebaree, R. R. Zebari, S. H. Ahmed, H. M. Shukur, and A. Alkhayyat, “Distributed and Parallel Computing System Using Single-Client Multi-Hash Multi-Server Multi-Thread,” in 2021 1st Babylon International Conference on Information Technology and Science (BICITS), 2021, pp. 222–227.
  22. Y. S. Jghef et al., “Bio-Inspired Dynamic Trust and Congestion-Aware Zone-Based Secured Internet of Drone Things (SIoDT),” Drones, vol. 6, no. 11, p. 337, 2022.
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  31. R. R. Zebari, S. R. Zeebaree, Z. N. Rashid, H. M. Shukur, A. Alkhayyat, and M. A. Sadeeq, “A Review on Automation Artificial Neural Networks based on Evolutionary Algorithms,” in 2021 14th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE), 2021, pp. 235–240.
  32. Z. N. Rashid, S. R. Zeebaree, M. A. Sadeeq, R. R. Zebari, H. M. Shukur, and A. Alkhayyat, “Cloud-based Parallel Computing System Via Single-Client Multi-Hash Single-Server Multi-Thread,” in 2021 International Conference on Advance of Sustainable Engineering and its Application (ICASEA), 2021, pp. 59–64.
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  37. D. A. Hasan, S. R. Zeebaree, M. A. Sadeeq, H. M. Shukur, R. R. Zebari, and A. H. Alkhayyat, “Machine Learning-based Diabetic Retinopathy Early Detection and Classification Systems-A Survey,” in 2021 1st Babylon International Conference on Information Technology and Science (BICITS), 2021, pp. 16–21.
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  39. M. B. Abdulrazaq, M. R. Mahmood, S. R. Zeebaree, M. H. Abdulwahab, R. R. Zebari, and A. B. Sallow, “An analytical appraisal for supervised classifiers’ performance on facial expression recognition based on relief-F feature selection,” in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, vol. 1804, no. 1, p. 012055.
  40. M. R. Mahmood, M. B. Abdulrazzaq, S. R. Zeebaree, A. K. Ibrahim, R. R. Zebari, and H. I. Dino, “Classification techniques’ performance evaluation for facial expression recognition,” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 176–1184.
  41. S. R. M. Zeebaree et al., “Multicomputer Multicore System Influence on Maximum Multi-Processes Execution Time,” TEST Engineering & Management, vol. 83, no. May/June, pp. 14921–14931, May 2020.
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  45. R. R. Zebari, S. R. Zeebaree, A. B. Sallow, H. M. Shukur, O. M. Ahmad, and K. Jacksi, “Distributed Denial of Service Attack Mitigation using High Availability Proxy and Network Load Balancing,” in 2020 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE), 2020, pp. 174–179.
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  51. L. Haji, R. R. Zebari, S. R. M. Zeebaree, W. M. Abduallah, H. M. Shukur, and O. Ahmed, “GPUs Impact on Parallel Shared Memory Systems Performance,” International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, vol. 24, no. 08, pp. 8030–8038, 21, May, doi: 10.37200/IJPR/V2418/PR280814.
  52. S. R. M. Zeebaree et al., “Enterprise Resource Planning Systems and Challenges,” Technology Reports of Kansai University, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 1885–1894, Apr. 2020.
  53. R. R. Zebari, S. R. Zeebaree, and K. Jacksi, “Impact Analysis of HTTP and SYN Flood DDoS Attacks on Apache 2 and IIS 10.0 Web Servers,” in 2018 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE), 2018, pp. 156–161.
  54. S. R. Zeebaree, K. Jacksi, and R. R. Zebari, “Impact analysis of SYN flood DDoS attack on HAProxy and NLB cluster-based web servers,” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 510–517, 2020.
  55. H. Shukur et al., “A State of Art Survey for Concurrent Computation and Clustering of Parallel Computing for Distributed Systems,” Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 148–154, 2020.
  56. O. H. Jader, S. R. Zeebaree, and R. R. Zebari, “A State Of Art Survey For Web Server Performance Measurement And Load Balancing Mechanisms,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 535–543, Dec. 2019.
  57. A. B. Sallow, S. R. Zeebaree, R. R. Zebari, M. R. Mahmood, M. B. Abdulrazzaq, and M. A. Sadeeq, “Vaccine Tracker/SMS Reminder System: Design and Implementation”. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 57-63.
  58. O. Alzakholi, L. Haji, H. Shukur, R. Zebari, S. Abas, and M. Sadeeq, “Comparison Among Cloud Technologies and Cloud Performance,” Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends, vol. 1, no. 2, Art. no. 2, Apr. 2020, doi: 10.38094/jastt1219.
  59. H. Shukur, S. Zeebaree, R. Zebari, D. Zeebaree, O. Ahmed, and A. Salih, “Cloud Computing Virtualization of Resources Allocation for Distributed Systems,” Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 98–105, 2020.
  60. A. A. Yazdeen, S. R. Zeebaree, M. M. Sadeeq, S. F. Kak, O. M. Ahmed, and R. R. Zebari, “FPGA implementations for data encryption and decryption via concurrent and parallel computation: A review,” Qubahan Academic Journal, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 8–16, 2021.
  61. P. Y. Abdullah, S. R. Zeebaree, K. Jacksi, and R. R. Zeabri, “AN HRM SYSTEM FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SME) S BASED ON CLOUD COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY,” International Journal of Research-GRANTHAALAYAH, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 56–64, 2020.
  62. A. A. Salih, S. R. Zeebaree, A. S. Abdulraheem, R. R. Zebari, M. A. Sadeeq, and O. M. Ahmed, “Evolution of Mobile Wireless Communication to 5G Revolution,” Technology Reports of Kansai University, 2020.
  63. M. M. Sadeeq, N. M. Abdulkareem, S. R. Zeebaree, D. M. Ahmed, A. S. Sami, and R. R. Zebari, “IoT and Cloud computing issues, challenges and opportunities: A review,” Qubahan Academic Journal, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1–7, 2021.
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