Energy Management for Internet of Things via Distributed Systems

The distributed energy system (DES) architecture is subject to confusion about renewable energy limits, primary energy supply and energy carriers' costs. For the grid to use unreliable electricity sources, the end-user's on-demand presence in the intelligent energy management context is essential. The participation of end-users could influence the management of the system and the volatility of energy prices. By delivering auxiliary services using demand side-resource to increase system reliability, robust planning, constraint control and scheduling, consumers may support grid operators. The optimized approach to managing energy resources enhances demand response to renewable energy sources integrally, controls the demand curve with load versatility as the system requires it. The opportunity to adjust/regulate the charging profile by choosing a particular device. This article discusses a literature and policy analysis that looks at the role of energy management system aggregators and the end-users participating in subsidiary systems within Smart Grid programmers and technologies. In the implementation of aggregators for energy management systems, the objective is to understand the patterns, threats, obstacles and potential obstacles.
Energy Management, Energy Consumption, Energy Transformation, IoT, Distributed Systems
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