Internet of Robotic Things: A Review
The Internet of Things (IoT) gives a strong structure for connecting things to the internet to facilitate Machine to Machine (M2M) communication and data transmission through basic network protocols such as TCP/IP. IoT is growing at a fast pace, and billions of devices are now associated, with the amount expected to reach trillions in the coming years. Many fields, including the army, farming, manufacturing, healthcare, robotics, and biotechnology, are adopting IoT for advanced solutions as technology advances. This paper offers a detailed view of the current IoT paradigm, specifically proposed for robots, namely the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT). IoRT is a collection of various developments such as Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and the (IoT). This paper also goes over architecture, which would be essential in the design of Multi-Role Robotic Systems for IoRT. Furthermore, includes systems underlying IoRT, as well as IoRT implementations. The paper provides the foundation for researchers to imagine the idea of IoRT and to look beyond the frame while designing and implementing IoRT-based robotic systems in real-world implementations.
IoRT, AI, ML, Sensors, Cloud Computing, Robotics
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