IoT Provisioning QoS based on Cloud and Fog Computing
The wide-spread Internet of Things (IoT) utilization in almost every scope of our life made it possible to automate daily life tasks with no human intervention. This promising technology has immense potential for making life much easier and open new opportunities for newly developed applications to emerge. However, meeting the diverse Quality of Service (QoS) demands of different applications remains a formidable topic due to diverse traffic patterns, unpredictable network traffic, and resource-limited nature of IoT devices. In this context, application-tailored QoS provisioning mechanisms have been the primary focus of academic research. This paper presents a literature review on QoS techniques developed in academia for IoT applications and investigates current research trends. Background knowledge on IoT, QoS metrics, and critical enabling technologies will be given beforehand, delving into the literature review. According to the comparison presented in this work, the commonly considered QoS metrics are Latency, Reliability, Throughput, and Network Usage. The reviewed studies considered the metrics that fit their provisioning solutions.
IoT, QoS, Provisioning, Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Virtualization, SDN
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