A GIS-based AHP Method for Groundwater Potential Zone Assessment: A Review

Scientific and academic research and studies are trying to present a multi-range of techniques and methods focusing on groundwater pollution, potentials, assessment, and prediction. The most significant freshwater resource is groundwater, and numerous researchers are working to learn as much as they can about this resource in order to promote sustainable development. This review aims to create an overview of groundwater analysis and forecasting methods. The study is based on the need to select and group research papers into the best-defined methodological categories. The article gives an overview of recent advancements in groundwater potential zone analysis approaches, as well as ongoing research objectives based on that overview. This review has reviewed papers and research published in the last decade (2010–2022), depending on the data sources from the global online database, which could obtain many papers and research studies studying groundwater potential zones and other aspects related to groundwater. The aim is to review multiple types of research and papers on determining groundwater potential zones by applying the best techniques and selecting the most suitable factors that affect groundwater potential zones.
Groundwater-potential zone, Multi-criteria decision making, GIS, Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), Remote Sensing
Author Biography
Yaseen T. Mustafa
Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, University of Zakho, Zakho, Kurdistan Region, Iraq;
Center of Applied Remote Sensing and GIS, University of Zakho, Zakho, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
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