CPU Scheduling Techniques: A Review on Novel Approaches Strategy and Performance Assessment

The operating system (OS) is now being widely used in many of the various modern applications in recent years, ranging from diabetic monitoring to other strategic planning. The main function of any OS is to control and coordinate all hardware resources among the commands of the same/different user, which increases the efficiency of advanced comprehensive applications. In an autonomous computer system, the CPU is one of the important resources to manage and process all activities which require scheduling techniques on a processor. Since the early days of computing and other multi-programming OS, various studies have been assigned to CPU scheduling techniques based on processes management and performance evaluation. Thus, outlining the many issues related to scheduling methodologies and the weaknesses that need to be addressed. This review paper is organized based on two distinct perspectives: the implement strategies of CPU scheduling technique and criteria-based measures used, which assess how the strategies are analyzed and used under performance evaluation.
Operating system, CPU scheduling techniques, implemented strategy, performance assessment
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